Tuesday, June 9, 2009

me and my friend are friends again!!!!!!!

me and my freind cristena is friends again!!!! so happie!!!

P.S.tell me if I should talk to her and say to her!!! thanks for the info fore me cristen!!! thanks again

Monday, June 8, 2009

sorry cristina

to cristisna i am sorry for being mean to biannaca leaving.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. would you forgive me and say we are friend again

Friday, June 5, 2009

if you want to find out if u and your crush is a match go to www.agame.com and go to match makeing or give me two names and i'll tell you if u r a match,tell me any name even if u need tips about u and you crush just ask me later!:D :D

bianka is moveing boo hoo

this girl named bianka in my class is moveing and evey one in the class is makeing a big deal about it SOOO WHAT if someone is moveing!!!last time someone in my class left {whitch is kiara who is so mean }her friend shashala was crying!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

i had a dream world when i was 3

when i was in a dream world when i was 3 it was ????i'll tell you about it and you tell me what you think it is.

my dream world was like all hannamontanna and i loved this kid and i thinked that he loved me too but now i grow out of my dream world in into reality.but i have dream's not dream world's!!and my brother's are mean to me all the time.now i dream of futer stuff like onece i dreamed about seeing my friend joey-lyn and i seen her today at the icecream store it was a great day today.

now anser if you liked it or not

tell me this isnt happaning

OK i never told this to anybody but i hope you can keep a secret i am afraid of clown's they where so scary once that i was so scared that i wished that i never went to the circus but today we ALMOST went to the circus we decided not to because my two brothers and me didn't want to go but I'm not sure about my mom if she wanted to go or not.

my fave website

my fave wedsite is www.webkinz.com

Saturday, April 11, 2009


tell me something and i will put it on my blog if i like it!!

bed matress???!!!

ok when me and my brother kyle and my mom where fishing yesterday guss what we saw?we seen a bed matress and way more and we where on a rock and i was trying to catch a bottle that i found and at the end of fishing we saw ducks and i gave them bread and chezeburger and then we saw a lot of dogs but with difforentsizzes i cant beleve that there was a matress!!!!!!!!!!!!

telling scary/very funny storys

tell me some scary/funny story so i can put it on my blog

Friday, April 10, 2009

A little about me

i'm funny,cute,never smell bad and i like hannamontana infact i'm gonna go see the hanamontana the movie today and i like to play vidio games i have 2 dorky brothers kyle witch is 10 years old and david who is 12 years old kyle is in 4# grade and david who is in 6# grade.my room is light pink so it looks like white and i'm good at schoolwork i got A''s and B's on my reportcards!some people call me crazy!!because i canda am but still my face isant crazy!

some rules for gal's

  • never say "ow no i broke a nail "or else you will have a broken face!
  • never were ugly shoes or else you will get made fun of!
  • last but not least never ever luv boy's!!!!!!because they are weard stupid and smell bad 1000%
the daily gossip is that this kid in my school is not even funny but he say's that he is sooo funny!

my other bff

i also want to tell you my friend christina's website is http://www.iliketowatchicarly.blogspot.com/ it is pritty good but if you here me than i will tell you something like my name is mimi and you are sure to love the new post's i am gonna make.


welcome to my dream life and i have one big freind nanna greta she told my friend something to encorage her so she has a blog and nanna greta's blog is http://www.cimatechangechildren.blogspot.com/ and i went to it and i loved it.