Monday, April 13, 2009

tell me this isnt happaning

OK i never told this to anybody but i hope you can keep a secret i am afraid of clown's they where so scary once that i was so scared that i wished that i never went to the circus but today we ALMOST went to the circus we decided not to because my two brothers and me didn't want to go but I'm not sure about my mom if she wanted to go or not.


  1. you were eating to much candy!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I'm not trying to be mean,(or rude, or any other word that means the same thing, but if you want someone to keep a secret, It's not the best idea to put it on the internet where the whole world can see it.

  3. I must agree with Maia. When you have blog the whole world, and I mean the WHOLE WORLD, can see what you write. Not the best idea to write it here.
